Cycle detection in directed and undirected graphs
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- -2 mins read
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- Krishankant
Cycle detection in graph
Undirected graph :
To detect cycle in an undirected graph we do not need any extra space apart from maintaining a visited[]
array. We just need to keep tract of parent of current node so that the algorithm excludes the single edge loop condition.
Code ( C++) : ( github link )
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;class Solution { public: bool isCycle(vector<vector<int>>&adj, vector<bool>&vis, int parent, int cur){ vis[cur]=true; for(int node:adj[cur]){ if(!vis[node]){ if(isCycle(adj, vis, cur, node)) return true; } else{ return node!=parent ; } } return false; } bool detectCycle(int V, vector<vector<int>>&adj){ vector<bool>vis(V, false); for(int i=0; i<V; i++){ if(!vis[i]){ if(isCycle(adj, vis, -1, i)) return true; } } return false; }}int main() { int V; // number of vertices int E; // number of edges vector<vector<int>>adj(V); // adjancency matrix cin>>V>>E; int u,v; while(E--){ cin>>u>>v; adj[u].push_back(v); adj[v].push_back(u); // for undirected graph u->v also imples v->u } Solution s = new Solution(); cout<<s.detectCycle(V, adj); return 0;}
Directed graph :
In directed graph we need to keep tract of visited[]
nodes and also currently processing dfs stack.
C++ Code : ( github link )
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;class Solution { public: bool isCycle(vector<vector<int>>&adj, vector<bool>&vis, vector<bool>&dfsVis, int parent, int cur){ vis[cur]=true; dfsVis[cur]=true; for(int node:adj[cur]){ if(!vis[node]){ if(isCycle(adj, vis, cur, node)) return true; } else if(dfs[cur]){ return true ; } } dfsVis[cur]=false; return false; } bool detectCycle(int V, vector<vector<int>>&adj){ vector<bool>vis(V, false); vector<bool>dfsVis(V, false); for(int i=0; i<V; i++){ if(!vis[i]){ if(isCycle(adj, vis, dfsVis, -1, i)) return true; } } return false; }}int main() { int V; // number of vertices int E; // number of edges vector<vector<int>>adj(V); // adjancency matrix cin>>V>>E; int u,v; while(E--){ cin>>u>>v; adj[u].push_back(v); } Solution s = new Solution(); cout<<s.detectCycle(V, adj); return 0;}