HLD - Job Scheduler
- Published on
- -2 mins read
- Authors
- Name
- Krishankant
Problem Statement:
Run tasks at a given specified time or at a repeated interval of time.
Functional Requirements:
- Register a task along with its execution pattern (one_time, repeated)
- Run the task on whatever its next execution time is
- Notify the user when a task fails
Non-Functional Requirement:
- Scalable
- Available
- Gracefully handle failures (retry)
Capacity Estimation:
Run 1 M task a day Each task takes 30s to run
1,000,0000 / 100,0000 = 10 Task / sec
10 x 30 = 300 concurrent task
16 cores = 32 thread
CPUs required = 300/30 = 10 CPUs
1 M task/day ------> 10 CPUs
APIs Required
POST: /task/
Request: { "sourceFile": "s3://", "name": "data-fix job", "desc": "To fix data", "type": "ONE_TIME", "retry_count": 3, "executionPeriod": 500 // minutes }
Response: 200 { taskId: 121212 }
POST: /task/cancel/id={id}Response 200 // this api set status of task to "Inactive"
GET: /task/id={id}Response:{name: "",status: "",message: ""}
DB Schema
- id - name - desc - type - status (Active, Inactive) - retry_count - execution_period - lastExecutedAt - lastExecutionStatus - lastExecutionMessage - createdBy
- id <PK> - taskId <foreign key> - nextExecutionTime <index> - status ( QUEUED, PROCESSING, COMPLETE ) - failureReason - executedAt
High Level Architecture Diagram
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