Monotonic Stack based problems

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Next Greater Element ( variants )

This problem states that for every index i in the given array, we need to find the element to the right of it which is just greater ( not smaller ) than the elment at i.

Entire list -

There are two ways to solve this problem :

  • Using stack ( this is most popular one )
  • Without using stack

Problems that are based on this concept are :

The order of relationship is : NGE > largest rect histogram > maximal rectangle

Next Greater Element code using stacks :

INPUT : [1,2,1]
OUTPUT : [2,-1,-1]
vector<int> nextGreaterElements(vector<int>& nums) {
int n = nums.size() ;
stack<int>s ;
for(int i=n-1; i>=0; i--){
nge[i]=-1 ;
else if( >= nums[i]){
nge[i] ;
else if(<nums[i]){
while(!s.empty() &&<nums[i]) s.pop() ;
if(s.empty()) nge[i]=-1 ;
else nge[i] ;
s.push(nums[i]) ;
return nge ;

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503. Next Greater Element II

  1. Next Greater Element I
  2. Largest Rectangle in Histogram
  3. Trapping Rain Water